Brazing: Electronic, Scientific, Medical

Industries: Electronic, Scientific, Medical

The versatility of brazing as a process, coupled with the breadth of properties of brazed joints, make it an ideal choice for electronic, scientific or medical components.

OrobrazeTM and PallabrazeTM filler metals can offer:

  • Strength and resistance to oxidation at elevated temperatures.
  • Corrosion resistance in a variety of applications.

In addition to these properties OrobrazeTM, PallabrazeTM and Argo-brazeTM 72V have low levels of volatile impurities allowing them to operate in vacuum tube devices at raised temperatures without compromising component performance.

Finally Active-brazeTM products can successfully wet and braze ceramic components and man-made hard materials such as solid Poly-Crystalline Diamond (PCD), Poly-crystalline Cubic Boron Nitride (PCBN), single crystal and Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) diamond.

Product Literature


Avoid interfacial corrosion
Interfacial corrosion is a particular type of failure where silver brazed joints in stainless steel are exposed to water, aqueous solutions or humidity in service. Care must be exercised when selecting alloys for brazing stainless steel where the completed joints will be exposed to these conditions. More information can be found in our Argo-braze brochure (PDF, 1Mb, opens in new window).

Johnson Matthey & Brandenberger AG - Tel.-Nr. +41 44 307 1930 - Email:
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