Brazing Filler Metals

Our brazing product range is one of the broadest available and we offer both standard and unique brazing solutions.

<strong>Silver-flo™</strong> Filler Metals

Silver-flo™ Filler Metals

Used to form joints on:

  • Steel-mild/tool and stainless
  • Copper and copper alloys, including brass, bronze, nickel silver and aluminium bronze
  • Tungsten carbide and poly-crystalline diamond.

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<strong>Sil-fos™</strong> and <strong>Copper-flo™</strong> Filler Metals

Sil-fos™ and Copper-flo™ Filler Metals

These silver copper phosphorus and copper phosphorus alloys are designed for joining copper and copper alloys; the phosphorus imparts a self-fluxing characteristic when brazing copper to copper.

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<strong>Argo-braze™</strong> Filler Metals

Argo-braze™ Filler Metals

Used for brazing of:

  • Cemented tungsten carbide and Poly-Crystalline Diamond (PCD) segments
  • Stainless steel joints exposed to water in service
  • Vacuum tube devices, vacuum brazing and electronic components
  • Aerospace and other products

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<strong>Orobraze™</strong> Filler Metals

Orobraze™ Filler Metals

We supply a range of high purity gold brazing alloys, made to an exceptional quality for the aerospace and electronics industries. They show exceptional resistance to corrosion and oxidation, as well as strength at elevated temperatures.

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<strong>Pallabraze™</strong> Filler Metals

Pallabraze™ Filler Metals

Our palladium based alloys are manufactured to vacuum grade purity standards. In addition to traditional aerospace and electronics applications, their resistance to corrosion and chemical attack makes them useful in the glass and chemical industries.

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<strong>Active-braze™</strong> Filler Metals

Active-braze™ Filler Metals

These specialised products are suitable for brazing diamond, ceramics and titanium alloys.

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Copper and Bronze Filler Metals

Copper and Bronze Filler Metals

Our copper based products are typically used in furnace brazing without a flux, and bronze filler metals are used for brazing of steel and tungsten carbide components.

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<strong>Argentel™</strong> Filler Metals

Argentel™ Filler Metals

These copper zinc based products are designed for braze/bronze welding applications including joining tubular steel parts, on bicycle frames and furniture, as well as to join steel to tungsten carbide.

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Brazing Pastes and Powders

Brazing Pastes and Powders

Our brazing pastes consist of a filler metal in powder form and, where appropriate, a flux held together in a uniform paste by a binder system. Along with standard products we offer custom made products, brazing paste dispensing equipment and technical information.

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<strong>Ti-flo™</strong> Filler Metals

Ti-flo™ Filler Metals

Used for specialist brazing of titanium, its alloys and super alloys. Typical applications include brazing of vacuum tubes, wave-guides and titanium based rocked and engine components in the aerospace industry.

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<strong>Alu-flo™</strong> Filler Metals

Alu-flo™ Filler Metals

We supply a range of filler metals for brazing aluminium alloys, with typical applications in automotive air-conditioning parts, microwave components, refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat exchangers.

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<strong>Nickelbraze™</strong> Filler Metals

Nickelbraze™ Filler Metals

These nickel based brazing filler metals are mostly used in vacuum brazing operations on stainless steel, nickel and cobalt alloys, with a variety of compositions that offer different melting ranges, alloy flow, brazing and joint characteristics. They provide exceptional resistance to chemical corrosion and oxidation and high strength at elevated temperatures and are widely used in the aerospace, nuclear and automotive industries.

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Jewellery Solders

Jewellery Solders

Our range of solders for jewellery and silver ware includes carat gold, platinum and Silver-flo™ solders.

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Miscellaneous Precious Metal Brazing Filler Metals

Miscellaneous Precious Metal Brazing Filler Metals

In addition to our standard Pallabraze™ and Orobraze™ products, we supply most palladium and gold bearing brazing materials available in the market today.

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Auxiliary Brazing Products

Auxiliary Brazing Products

These specially formulated products are designed to improve brazing processes. Our product range includes:

  • Stop-flo™ products to prevent the flow of molten brazing filler metal over parent metals
  • Binder cements and gels to use with brazing filler metal powders

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